Hi Hank

Hello, my name is Hank, 25 yrs old and making a good buck working as a motorcycle apprentice mechanic. Dad got his sorry ass in deep trouble by embezzling one hundred grand from work to gamble on horses, ponies, dogs, just about anything, and is now serving time in the black-bar hotel. I guess when a guy has gambling in his blood, it doesn't matter how he feeds his hobby. He should have known that he would never win that money back and frankly I lost a lot of respect for him. It really stinks as we talked about getting motorcycles and riding all over but that is gone now, right into the sunset. Well if he didn't worry about doing time, I'm not. I picked up a good old 91 Harley Sportster 1200 and I'm having a great time.

Mom is about forty-eight years old and recently started to don glasses while reading the paper, phone book, and Daniel Steele novels. What also makes her look so 'hot' is the neck chains of small pearls or purple glass beads, the glasses being of the half-glasses style in silver, black, or gold and are the half-round, half-square, and small oval style. I really like the way they look when Mom has them hanging across her well developed breast and the light of the room sparkles in them or when she wears them partway down her nose.

Something interesting is going on, whenever I need my glasses for reading, I just pick them up and put them on, sometimes they get smudged and I clean them with the hem of my skirt. For the last few months or so, when I go to use them, they are sparkling clean, once in a while they need my hem but quite lately, not so. I began to wonder that since my son Hank is the only one here, has he taken an interest in his Mom's half-glasses? "Oh Edna", I say to myself "He's just being sweet and doing something nice for his Mom."

In my mind's perverted eye, I see the light of a candle twinkle in them as they sit half down Mom's nose as her head is going up and down her son's rod, with another pair she has those beads wrapped around it and strokes my balls with them. There is one pair of her glasses I really like, though not the half-glasses style they are silver ovals with a beaded chain of white balls and bananas, a phallic symbol, for sure. I know Mom is very smart but I doubt it ever crossed her mind that the beads she wears is telling the world what she likes.

Since Mom seemed to corner the market on various styles of half-glasses, each pair having a well-made neck chain, I began to enjoy them when she went out to Bingo with her work friends, this went on for a year or so. I could hardly wait for her to leave the house but I gave her about half an hours time before I did anything, just in case she forgot something for her evening of fun.

One night I fell asleep in the living room on the sofa, I was watching an old movie, 'The heart is a lonely hunter.' Hank was thirsty from that big 16 inch pizza we had for supper and was getting a drink from the fridge. He was very quiet so as not to wake Mom. He walked over to the end table by the sofa, picked up my glasses, he really kissed and licked them, then he rubbed them under his balls, held them to his cock which took on a larger size in a very short time and he went back to smooching, which are longer and wetter kisses and licking them as well.

My mind is doing ninety! Uh-huh, Hank has a fetish all right! No doubt about it and I say to myself, "Edna, I like his fetish," no wonder my glasses have been spotless for a while now. I don't mind what he is doing at all, at least he likes them and I am sure has had some fantasies about them and maybe I am in his fantasies. I checked it out on the internet and also spoke to a friend of mine who is a frequent user of the library. Gloria told me that guys have been known to like and use lady's things, their undies, heels, and glasses at times.

A few months go by, life seems normal but I have to say, "Edna you are somewhat happier as of late." I had to agree. The more I gave it thought, the more I knew I was turned on by what Hank did not know I saw that night, rubbing my half-glasses under his balls, then licking and smooching my glasses, YEP, he so has a fetish and yes I do like it.

My husband who is doing time for embezzlement is in the black bar hotel, I had my halfs hanging by a neck chain and he says, "Reading glasses? Damn you're getting old." I sure didn't need him telling me that and as Snagglepuss, the cartoon lion in a top hat said, "Exit, stage left, um outa here even. " As I drove away from prison I decided to levy a fat juicy divorce against him, I mean the public humiliation and anger and flat-out embarrassment I suffered.

Mom's not home, here's a note saying she will be grocery shopping after work, so I look around and see her dark brown half-moon style glasses with a high bridge and their sweet purple glass beaded chain. I decide to take care of some personal matters and it was quite nice. I made sure they were sparkling clean when they were put back, but they were not that way when I got them.

A few weeks later, Hank has Saturday off and is sitting in the living room in his nightshirt, my black half-square glasses and beads are on the coffee table. I get up to make some fresh coffee and a few minutes later I see he is cleaning those halfs under his nightshirt. Once again I feel all squishy down there, Thanks so much Hank for keeping your Mom from drying up. I know he is liking the smoothness of my halfs and the fact that they belong to his Hot looking mother, yes I really like that.

One Saturday night, Mom went out with friends to play some Bingo. I decided to once again enjoy my own fantasies. Since I felt she'd be home sometime later, I left my door open. The way the room is, my back is to the door. Well here I am with the beads of Mom's black half-square glasses wrapped around my cock with her halfs under my balls and stroking away with pleasant thoughts. I'm holding another pair of Mom's glasses, her gold half-moons with their beaded chain over the back of my neck and licking and kissing them with a real passion, I clean them with the sheet, they are sparkling, I put them on the heel of a stiletto, a patent black hi-heeled shoe and I am looking into them as I satisfy my needs. In those sweet sparkling gold half-moon style glasses I see the reflection of a well-lit doorway and my Mom.

I am so liking what I see and have been watching for five minutes or so and have gotten quite gushy down there and frankly, I like that feeling. I am not mad at all, feeling pretty good really and I think that since Hank is a young man, working for a living and helping to support a working Mom, well, maybe it is time he started to enjoy life with an older lady.


"Hi Hank, I see you are really enjoying my glasses."

I figured this could be handled in a number of ways but to be flat out honest about my feelings would be the best way. "Mom, I never said it but somehow I found you to look so hot wearing half-glasses and for the last year or so, whenever I saw you wearing them, it just turned me on, I know I shouldn't have done this but. . ."

"How do you know these are half-glasses?"

Mom asks me in a pleasant voice and she seemed somehow pleased I know what style of glasses she wears.

"A few years ago when I was doing maintenance at the office building, there were many older ladies there who wore a similar style of glasses, being friendly with one lady, I asked how it was she could see with her glasses part down her nose. 'She said some see better for distance and with half's one could look through them yet looking over the tops to see better farther away."

"And because I look so hot, wearing half-glasses, they got you hot too?"

"Yeah, somehow I really got turned on seeing those ladies wearing half-glasses, like in the back of my mind, they looked so serious and I think I began to like older women because they look serious . . ."

"So Hank, it sounds like you really like older ladies."

"Well, this lady said, 'Here try them and you'll see what I mean', I took them and put her chain over my neck and she gave me a sheet of the newspaper's legal notices. 'Look down at the print, then look up over the tops, see what I mean?" She asked. She was right, I could see better looking through them for the small print, yet looking over the tops I could see as well as I always do.

"How did this woman dress, Hank?"

"Quite nice, a skirt and blouse with lace, kitty heels in patent black."

"How is it you know what patent black is?"

"Looking through the Sunday paper, there were ads for women's shoes Dillards department store I think."

"Where was the lace?"

"On the sleeves of her blouse and around the collar, sometimes she wore a ruffled v neck in off white with a black skirt and a pair of heels called spectators, black at the toes and heels, white in between."

'You really keep an eye on ladies fashions, I like that and that you have a good sense of woman's fashion and styles."

"Do you like the way my half-glasses hang across my breasts? Do they make me look hot like this?"

Mom takes her glasses in her right hand and jiggles them a bit and I really like the way the light of the room sparkles in them.

"Well yeah, Mom."

"I have to tell you I saw what you were doing before you noticed and it did get me quite gushy down there. Does it bother you I said that?"

"No Mom it doesn't.'

"I liked watching you kiss and lick my half's, would you like to kiss and lick them as they hang across my breasts?"

"That would be so nice Mom."

Mom sits closer to me, "O.k. Hank, smooch your Mom's half-glasses, lick them too"

"Mom, is kissing and smooching the same?"

"No Hank, Smooching is real serious kissing, a longer and wetter kiss is what it really is. It is nice to kiss your Mom, but smooching is improper, so save that for my halfs."

"Are you saying you don't mind what I do, liking your half-glasses as I have been?"

"I like that Hank, some other guy would be doing things with a skin magazine, a woman with a staple in her navel, this is much nicer, you love your Mother, a hot looking older woman and her halfs, nothing wrong with that, besides I like the way you keep them sparkling clean for me."

I am licking and smooching my mothers half-glasses as they hang so close to her breasts and I am so pleased, Mom is too.

"You are a good licker and smoocher Hank, I am getting all squishy down there.." She says as I smooch them. Then I take and hold them, somehow making this even better.

"Hank," she says as if she is close to running out of breath. 'Go back to beating off with my glasses down there and my beads around it, still licking and smooching my halfs. My sweet halfs, you could love calling them that, am I right?"

"Well yes Mom, I could."

Mom tells me as she pushes her breasts into me as I lick and smooch her sweet halfs.

"Suck on them, put them in your mouth, like this." She takes her half-glasses and puts them in her mouth, moving her lips over one of the lenses of her gold granny glasses. I do this as I am still beating off for her. My juices are boiling and I cum mothers half-squares, she sees the man gravy on them and takes them to her mouth and licks the stuff off them.

Mom looks at me with love and respect, that I just satisfied her. Her face is wreathed in a contentment I have not seen before. She says nothing for a bit, just looking at me, then starts to play with my cock and the beaded chains of her halfs wrapped around me.

"Hank, thank you so much, I like it that you love Mom's sweet half-glasses. I really do. I saw your father a few days ago in prison, you'd think he really missed me and he says,' Reading glasses, you're getting old'. I left him at that moment."

"You mean that in more ways than one, don't you? Like you left the prison but in your head and your heart, he's gone. . .right?"

"Yes Hank, you really pick up on things, but yes you are right, I have been good to him, considering the BS I have to go through, the way others look at me, like I did it and for him to tell me, 'You're getting old?"

"Also, you said' your father, not my husband or his first name, sort of separating yourself from him."

Mom nodded.

"Well Mom, I am getting to where I really like older ladies, I think there half-glasses with beaded chains and heels will always be at least one possible reason I go for but it is because they dress so much better, have much more respect for themselves and have more knowledge of life."

"Really?" Mom asks me.

"Yeah those girls with that blouse that make it look like their boobs are sticking out, the brown blouse with the lighter beige in such a way it looks like a breast, very tacky and not in good taste."

Mom takes her halfs from over her head and puts them on her lap, then removes her blouse and bra.

"You don't dislike breasts do you?"

I sat there with eyes bigger than dinner plates. "No Mom, I love them, but this way, me looking at them. . .not hanging out of a blouse in public."

"Want to lick your Mom's boobs with her half-glasses hanging over them? To lick my nipples under my breasts and my sweet halfs?"

"Mom, of course, I love to see a lady's breasts, like this, only two people in a room, getting passionate."

"You know Hank, I never really thought of it like that, but you are right, it does look tacky that way."

Mom takes her glasses and puts the beaded chain back over the back of her neck and says,

"Smooch my glasses, tell me how much you like my sweet halfs and what you love doing with and to them as well, and if you happen to run your tongue over my breasts, well, I think I and them could like that very much."

I start licking and smooching Moms sweet half-glasses and kissing the beaded chain from which they hang and of course her bosoms get some action as well.

"Hank, dear, you forgot something." Say's Mom in a sweet voice.

"I did?"

"Yes, you did a superb job of licking and smooching my sweet halfs, but you did not tell me what you want to do with and to them."

"Oh O.k. Mom, I want to touch myself all over with them then, I want to feel them down there with their beads wrapped around my cock then I want to cum them for you, and Mom. . ."

"Yes, Hank . . ."

"I think that maybe I'm doing this is because I love the way you look in them."

"I want you to really love my sweet half-glasses and you have to make sure all my halfs are nice and clean, free of smudges, you can do that. . .right?"

"I'm so looking forward to taking care of your half-glasses, Mom."

Mom takes the half's whose beads are around her son's cock and strokes my balls with them. She then takes those half-glasses and holds them against my cock and wraps her bra around them and arranges the bra straps so they hold the bra in place and excuses herself. She comes back with a bottle of skin creme and lets the cream drip down between my cock and her glasses then starts to jerk me off.

"Hank, go back to smooching my half-glasses, tell me what you want to do."

By now I am so fucking horny. "Oh, Mom, I want to lick and smooch your sweet half-glasses, so bad, to lick your breasts and under your breasts, I want to cum all over your sweet halfs you have against my cock and make a sweet mess in your bra."

"Hank, that is what I want too."

A few days later, I'm in for a nice surprise. Mom's wearing a nice black skirt with an off-white ruffled V-neck blouse. She has a nice pair of patent black heels that for some time had only seen a dark closet but are now seeing the light of day, her sweet halfs hanging across her plump bosoms. That night she says at supper, "How about pretending I'm the office lady and we get friendly, you ask about my glasses the way you did, I explain why they are called half-glasses, Then I notice how big you get and you tell me it is because seeing a hot looking lady in half-glasses, her seriousness gets you hard and I want to see more of this."

"So Mom, it seems you want me to do things with your sweet half-glasses, what do you want me to do when we get intimate?

"I want you to tell me,' I really like your sweet half-glasses, and is it possible I have a fetish as it seems they get me quite hard?"

"I am glad you really like this fetish as much as I do, Mom."

"Then I will tell you, 'I'd like to see just what you mean by that and I'd drag them over the top of your pants and see if, in fact, you do get bigger there, then I'd want to take some pictures of your cock with my halfs sitting on top, with my beads wrapped around it and the light of the room glimmering in my sweet halfs, as you call them, and have pictures of my glasses covered with your man gravy, all my half-glasses, I want a picture of every pair to be covered in your cum and I'll have a folder for these pictures and I will write a letter to you, telling you what I want you to do, when you open up my folder, when you have a need for alone time, how does that sound?"

We had a fine old time that evening, he told me how he asked that friendly woman about her halfs and how she showed him, me being that lady of course and I got a bit turned on and I got Hank to cum my half-moon style and I cheerfully licked the stuff off my halfs. Something tells me that Hank could have a fine old time with my Hi-Heels, and yes I have a few pair, I want it to be a very subtle way he gets the idea that hi-heels and half-glasses go well with older ladies. So what I did was to get my camera, heels, and halfs all together for a small photo album of halfs and heels in interesting poses, I was thinking that I'd only use my patent black heels but decided to use others as well, like my cream beige patent heels as well and a similar pair with peep toes. Oh yes I have the beads wrapped around the heels and the halfs hanging off the back of the shoe, half's sitting on the toes, heels with my sweet half-glasses inside, oh yes I will have this sitting around, say on the bookshelf, better yet the coffee table, he will notice and take a good look through it and I am sure he will start to like what my heels, I am sure can do for him. Of course, it might help matters if I should happen to wear heels around the house every now and then, nice smooth glossy heels in black or cream beige.

Two weeks later I notice that a pair of heels similar to my pat. blacks are not around, I have not worn that pair but a similar pair and the patent blacks as well. I did feel guilty but curiosity got to me and rummaging through his closet, I found them. These too are patent black with a chunky style heel, they were buffed up to a real gloss. I'm glad that Hank is getting into the hi-heel thing and I knew he'd be having one hell of a good time with them but I am not going to mention that I have not seen them, I want to see if he wants me to do things with them, maybe after he has his way with them a few times, he might start hinting around the subject of me doing things with them and I won't have any problem doing that. I'll have him laying in bed after I get him hard by diddling him with my halfs, I have my feet in those heels he likes so much and I'll pull his cock with them. I know he will like the smooth black patent leather down there.

I have that nice pair of beige patent heels with the peep toes, I bet I could get his cock through the toes peephole might need some creme for that but it would make a good picture, maybe make a scrapbook of wild pictures, him and I could make together, a real Mom/Son project.












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