Sam and Judith and the Debt Pt. 02

This is the second part of Judith and the debt, I welcome voting and comments and emails


I knew they wouldn't leave us alone and sure enough I got a phone call from Ray two weeks later, to clear the debt he required both of us at a large party he was throwing at his house the following week. Knowing that he knew where I lived and indeed had been there for the poker game I had to agree. I also got him to agree that they'd have a collection for you as it became clear, you'd be part of the 'entertainment'. It took a while to talk you into it and I promised to stay with you at all times to see you remained safe.

And so we drove out to Weybridge on a Saturday evening and arrived at 9, Ray met us at the door and held up a silk scarf, 'She wear this, all time,' and I duly tied it around your eyes. The house was huge and the party had been going for some while and there where many people there dancing, talking and eating, along each wall was long tables with food, every type of booze imaginable and small mirrors with lines of coke. I also noted that there were a young man at each doorway and they weren't drinking but scanning the crowd.

'Ah, that sort of party,' I thought,' Ray brought us some drinks, excellent Russian vodka and a plate of food.

'Outside in the marquee in 30 minutes, Okay, and don't worry about the drinking, one of my men will drive you back later.' I was glad of that as I was nervous of some of the dodgy types I had seen and gulped down several shots and we both had two lines of coke.

All the while I talked gently to you, trying to calm you down as you were clearly quite nervous. 'It'll be alright, I'll stay right by your side, just endure it.' then one of the young men came up and attached a thick dog collar and chain to your neck and handed it to me.

'This way please,' and handled us outside, the marquee had two young men at the entrance but we were ushered inside. It was heated I was glad to note and again the tables of food, drink and coke. Many men were inside were and just a few older women, all of them turned to watch us as we entered. Ray got up, 'Ah, here she is, our prize for the night, come Georgie, you like yes?' And a swarthy heavy set man got up with a younger man in tow. Both Ray and Georgie and their sons inspected and felt you as I held the chain. You felt strong fat hands running up your legs and under your skirt, they dived into your panties and cupped your genitals, squeezing they found the small flow of pre cum that wetted your knickers. Lastly they moved to the rear and found your anus, fat fingers slowly entered you and you started at the invasion.

In the center of the tent was a large trestle with a padded top and you were led over to it, it was well built and well padded and had thick ankle and wrist restraints, at either end was small platforms to allow the quests the correct height for their sport. The two young men walked you up and carefully unzipped your skirt and gently pulled down your panties, which stayed around one ankle. A friendly cheer went up as your slender clitty bobbed free. Your blouse and bra was left on but your were naked from the waist down. Lastly they bent you over and did up the restraints, your legs were held apart and your pussy hole on display to the whole tent.

Both older men were to be first of course but the two young sons knelt and licked at your hole and clitty, finally both older men dropped their trousers and pushed into each end, a large hairy phallus entered your mouth and a thicker one breached your anal ring and popped into your rectum, both men started thrusting as another cheer went up. Ray held you under the chin and Georgie gripped your hips and thrust powerfully. Ray came first with a yell and pulled free followed by Georgie who grunted and collapsed over your back. Another cheer went up as both men pulled up their trousers and went to sit together and talk about their new venture.

I stayed meekly by your side holding the chain as a free for all broke out, there was clearly some sort of pecking order as the older men went first, they stood up to your mouth or pussy and thrust away till they ejaculated into either orifice. You gulped and panted as each penis was withdrawn and another man took his place, a steady ooze of semen dripped from your hole and ran down one leg. Still the men came forward, the younger ones now whose testicles had greater loads, and you took them all, well you could not refuse them. And at the end the young boys came up and their slender penises found either of your holes, sometimes they used both.

Finally a old matron came up with her young son in tow. 'Go on Alex, it's time you learnt', and she pushed him forwards to your dripping twat. He duly got started, but she came to stand by me. Reaching under her skirts she fingered her old cunt and brought it up under your nose. 'My husband fuck you, he no bother me tonight!' Just as her son fired the last wad of semen into your pussy that night. You were coughing now and I bent to reassure you it was over. A great deal of cum was flowing from you now so I took a butt plug to stem the flow and gently undid the restraints, sobbing you stood up as one young man drew up your knickers and refixed your short skirt, I held you firmly to prevent a fall as Ray came up.

'Good girly, you go down well with my friends! This is for you,' and he pushed a fat envelope into your hands. 'Sam, we clear now, all clear, but call me tomorrow,' and he ushered us out where a young man was standing by to drive us home. You gently sobbing in the back of the Merc, so I bobbed down and found your little package in your pants and brought my mouth to your penis, you gasped at that as I expertly fellated you, it didn't take long before you thrust your hips and fired your semen into my mouth. As I straightened up I saw the young man smile into the rear view mirror.

On reaching home I quickly ushered you into the lounge and lay down on the floor, 'Quick! Sixty nine!' and in a daze you complied. I pulled the butt plug from you and lapped at the ooze that started immediately from your reddened pussy. 'Good girl! Good girl!' as I licked and drank as much as I could, you lowered your head and took my hard penis into your mouth.

There had been 37 men and boys in the marquee and some of them had gone twice and two of them had cum three times. In all there was 476 ml of semen in your rectum, and much of that flowed out of you and into my hungry mouth, finally I wiped my face on your bottom and smeared their muck all over my self, that brought me to my climax and for the last time a wad of semen was fired down your throat.

At length we repaired to the sofa and had a little drink, on opening the envelope we found £675 in used notes. 'We're free now Judith, we're free,' and you smiled wanly up at me as I hugged you.


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