Amelia Nurses Me with a Blowjob

Every day, I usually go for a jog at my nearby park. It helps to relax me and I need the endorphins after sitting in front of a computer all day at the office. The park is never crowded with small groups of people running on the track when I go. It was here that I met Amelia. I was walking to the track on a gloomy and rainy day. I knew that no one was going to be out on the track in this weather so I looked forward to having the track to myself. However, when I arrived at the track, I saw that there was a lone figure running.

I started to stretch but was curious about this person who had on a rain jacket and jogger's pants. When the person looped by me, I saw that it was a woman. She had short brown hair that was styled in a pixie cut. She was about 5'6" with a slender frame. Her tight pants molded well to her ass. Her face was wet from the rain and her light green eyes flickered in my direction as she went by. I gave her a friendly smile and she smiled back.

After I finished stretching, I proceeded to the track and started to jog at a medium pace. The woman ran by me and I watched how fluid her body moved on the track. She ran at a steady pace and wasn't even breathing hard. In an effort to impress her, I started to increase my own pace. I looped around her and was wondering if she was watching me when I tripped on the wet track. My foot literally slipped in a puddle of water and I went sprawling onto the ground. I was able to stop my fall but I still landed hard on the ground. I gritted my teeth at the pain in my hand where it hit the ground. I saw that I had scraped it and it was bleeding.

"Are you ok?" I heard from behind me and I turned to see the woman looking at me with a concerned look on her face.

"Yeah, I'm fine. That puddle came out of nowhere!" I said in an effort to hide my embarrassment at falling. I was hoping that she would laugh at my awkward joke or even smile at it but she didn't. Her eyes were on my bleeding hand.

"Are you sure that you are ok? Your hand is bleeding," she said.

"Oh, I'm ok. It doesn't hurt or anything," I lied. My hand was aching like fucking crazy but there was no way I was going to tell her that. It was shitty enough that I fell in front of her.

"Let me see," she said as she moved towards me. Before I could interject, she took my hand in hers and inspected it. Her fingers tenderly touched my hand and I grimaced at the pain.

"Oh, does that hurt?" she asked me with concern.

"Nah, not really," I lied. "Just kind of stings a little."

"Come on, I'll wrap this up for you," she said.

"It's fine. No need to worry," I said with a forced laugh.

"Nonsense. I'm a nurse and I can clean this up in no time," she said. She led me off of the track and we walked out of the park. "I'm just up the block here."

I looked at her in surprise. Was she really taking me back to her house to clean my wound? This was getting out of hand.

"Hey, it's fine, really. I'll take care of it when I get home," I said.

"Do you have disinfectant and gauze at your home?" She asked me. Before I could reply, she went on. "No, I didn't think so. I'll clean it up for you. Don't worry."

I gave her an awkward nod and followed her to her apartment door. She opened the door and then headed up to the second floor. The apartment had an Earthy smell and I could see tons of plants all over the studio apartment. There was a queen-sized bed near a window that had plants on the mantel. A small green couch sat against the opposite wall. There were framed art prints all over the walls.

"You have a nice place," I said as I looked around. A cat bounded off of the bed and walked over to me and began to rub itself against my legs. "Who is this?"

"That's Charlie. He loves meeting new people," she said as she closed the door behind us. "By the way, what is your name?"

"Miguel," I said.

"I'm Amelia. It's nice to meet you, Miguel," she said. "Sit down. I'll be right back."

I walked over to the couch and sat down. Charlie leaped up into my lap. I kept my injured hand away from his curious paws. I looked around at her place and loved how cozy it felt. My eyes wandered around and then I did a double-take as I saw that something was poking out from under her pillow. I rose up out of the couch to get a better look and saw that it was a vibrator. My eyes widened at this but I quickly sat back down when I heard her step out of the bathroom.

"Ok, let's see that cut," she said as she sat down beside me on the couch. She had taken off her rain jacket and was wearing a t-shirt. Her nipples pressed against the confines of the shirt and I could tell that she wasn't wearing a bra. She had a lovely scent that was a mix of sweat and perfume. Her body was close to me on the couch with her leg pressed against mine. I could feel myself getting an erection but I tried to control by thinking about other things.

She dabbed a cotton ball with the disinfectant and placed it gently against my cut. I started at the sting of it. "Sorry, it'll burn for a little, but I need to clean it," she said softly.

"No worries. I do appreciate this, Amelia," I said. "Do you usually bring strangers up to your place?" I said with a laugh.

Amelia laughed. The sound was nice to hear as she came off as being very serious. "No, but I've seen you running at the park many times and figured you were harmless."

"Harmless, huh?" I said with a grin. "Well, I'll take that as a compliment."

Amelia laughed again. "You know what I mean. You look like a good guy."

"Well, thanks," I said with a laugh. Amelia cleaned my wound and began to wrap it with gauze. Her fingers moved adeptly over my hand. Her leg was still pressed against mine and I watched how intently she focused on the task. Her nipples still poked through her shirt and my cock started to get hard again. Amelia must have noticed the pant tent because she moved back with a look of surprise on her face.

"I'm sorry," I said quickly. My face was getting red with embarrassment. "It just happened. I didn't mean-"

Amelia laughed. "It's ok, don't worry. It's actually flattering."

I gave her a nervous laugh. "Sorry. I don't know-"

Her hand went to my crotch and she began to slowly massage it. I looked at her in total surprise. My eyes were wide like a Looney Tunes cartoon character and my mouth dropped open. I didn't know what to say or do.

She looked at me. "Does that feel good?" she whispered as her hand continued to move in my crotch. I gulped for words but nothing would come out from my dumbfounded brain. Of course, it felt great but to say so was currently escaping me. I looked at her and she moved closer to me and kissed me. Her mouth pressed against mine and I kissed her back. Her hand continued to move against my crotch. My cock was very hard and I wondered if I was going to cum in my pants.

My hands traveled to her breasts and I felt them through her shirt. She moved back and rapidly pulled off her shirt. Her breasts tumbled out and I began to fondle them as we resumed kissing. After a moment, she broke away and got down on her knees in front of me. I was breathing hard and watched as she pulled down my pants. My cock sprung out of my pants like a Jack in a Box. Amelia smiled at my raging boner.

Her hands moved slowly over my cock and began to stroke it. My precum oozed onto her fingers. She carried that precum to her mouth and licked it up with her eyes on me. She then moved her mouth to my cock and took all of me inside. I felt the back of her throat as my cock went into her mouth. I moaned and watched as she slid back up and began to suck my cock. Her eyes were on me as her lips moved up and down on my cock.

With one hand, she stroked me as she sucked my cock. I moaned from the pleasure as she increased the speed of her mouth on my cock. I knew I was going to cum soon. My balls were aching to let out my jizz. Her mouth continued to move up and down on my cock and I moaned at the immense pleasure of it.

"I'm gonna cum," I said through a moan. Amelia sucked my cock faster and I could no longer hold my orgasm at bay. It tore through me and I cried out. My cock twitched in Amelia's mouth as my semen spurted out. I moaned and watched as Amelia continued to suck my cock. I gripped the sides of the couch as my orgasm continued. When I could no longer let anymore cum out of my empty balls, I sat back on the couch with a long sigh of bliss. Amelia rose up from my cock and opened her mouth to show me my cum that sat inside. She watched me as she swallowed it. I stared at her in amazement and wondered where she had been all my life. Charlie meowed from his seat on the bed where he had been watching us the entire time. We both laughed at the comical nature of it all.


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